To become a Moderator you must be over the age of 13. However, your maturity level must be 18+ years old.
If you already help Moderators by reporting accurately and messaging Moderators with what threads should be watched, locked and more you have a better chance of becoming one. Meanwhile, being a good participant in threads, being open, organized and having an all around good attitude are all attributes required for becoming a Moderator.
If you have little to no warnings on you and have absolutely no bans, that is the biggest step for being near the top of the list, aside from maturity.
The biggest problem, aside from bans is asking to become a Moderator. If the answer is no, accept it and move on. Especially when we are not accepting Moderator applications, please, do not ask.
The only time you can ask is when we are accepting and if you properly and maturely email us at telling us in detailed descriptions about you(enough that isn't too private), why you want to become a Moderator, and why you should be chosen. Also include your age and personality please.
Note: You may also at one point be chosen to become a Moderator without asking even when we are not accepting new Moderators. It mostly depends on maturity though. Keep this in mind.